We celebrate the 10th Romanian Conference for Education and Research! The annual event organized by Enformation keeps its focus and It’s about You! – it is about every educational and professional process with its unique design! We continue to firmly believe in spreading knowledge and we think that it starts with sharing experiences and best practices, as well as creating debates with the audience participation. So, join us #online, between 25th-27th October, and be part of the improvement process of the Romanian Education and Research System at the 10th edition of the conference!
In 2022 we are getting ready to offer new engaging plenary sessions, insightful workshops and dynamic live interactions to our community. During the three-day event, we welcome our guest-speakers – real professional role models – to share their successful experiences to show that resourcefulness comes from a well-educated and guided passion! Furthermore, with the special collaboration of International Publishing Houses, as well this year our event will bring to the forefront the latest opportunities in academic publishing and updated information regarding the research environment, as well as the advances made in the development of research tools.
Stay tuned for more #enformation!

* After purchasing your ticket to the Enformation Conference, you will receive the access details in an automatic e-mail. To participate at the conference use the username and the password from this e-mail! Please, check your Spam or Junk folder as well. Thank you and see you #online!
** Are you a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree Student? You can have #free access to the conference only if you register using the e-mail attached to your active Institutional Profile! It takes a few minutes to update the data from your profile, so please be kind and have pacience when you register! 🙂
*** If you purchase a full price ticket to the Romanian Conference for Education and Research, you benefit from a special promotion for using the Integrity service, developed in partnership with Turnitin! Check for details here.

About our ALLS event
Organized by Enformation
“Romanian Conference for Education and Research” (formerly named “Acces la literatura științifică”) is an annual event organized by Enformation, aiming at bringing together people from the Research and Education sectors to create new collaboration opportunities within the academic field. At each edition we encourage our guest-speakers to share their authentic academic experiences to illustrate that education and passion create resourcefulness to obtain positive changes. Join us to find out the latest insights and to enjoy quality social networking!
The 10th Edition
The 10th edition of the conference will be exclusively #online. Maintaining our high standards, we also keep our goal: to illustrate new perspectives about education and research to the Enformation community. Every year, we design the conference in order to provide students, PhDs, teachers, librarians and researchers with the ideal environment to share ideas, address various issues and find real solutions. The three-day event includes plenary sessions, workshops and live interactions created to reveal new patterns in #education and #research trends. Be part of our initiative!
Previous ALLS edition
In 2021, ALLS continued the #online version of our annual event, between 26th-28th October. During the plenary sessions, we brought close to our audience debates regarding the online education, the importance of motivation and resilience in both fields, as well as the positive impact of the educational communities. Meanwhile, the available digital content for researchers and OA were the focus of the workshops. Over 250 participants attended our event: professors and members of the Academia, researchers, librarians, students, but also high-school students.
Why is our event relevant
International Publishers Collaboration
The representatives of the International Publishing Houses will be available #online for live interactions and they will also present practical workshops. So, if you are interested in academic writing and publishing, you will have the opportunity to find out first-hand about the latest tools designed to ease the research process, the newest functionalities available for librarians and the tips & tricks of their online platforms.
Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Dimension in Education and Research.
Teachers and Parents Education – the Impact upon Young Generations.
The Importance of the Educational Communities.
Education and Research Topics
Education and Research remain the major focus of our event, because we consider that they are the key to a better civilization and the main support for evolution! During the conference you will discover how important interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaboration is in education and research activities, how digitalization in teaching and STEM are a must nowadays, how we are building a better future thanks to educational communities and so much more.
Prospects for Student Research: Reality or Challenge?
Tools for Speeding-up Scientific Research.
Perspectives of Research Failure.
Diverse Networking Experience
The key words for Romanian Conference for Education and Research must become actions: #networking & #enformation. Therefore, our event offers you the opportunity to interact with a wide range of the academic community. This way we encourage you to develop future collaborations and projects regarding #research and #education. Moreover, we are keen to receive your feedback and queries, so, please take the opportunity to address them during the Q&A of the conference!
Digitalisation of the Educational System – Dream or Reality?
University Academic Training – between Theory and Practice.
Evaluation Process in Education and Research.
Dragoș Iliescu
Professor of Psychology, University of Bucharest info
Tatiana Cauni
Romanian Teacher, "Emil Racoviță" Theoretical High School, Baia Mare info
Constantin Lomaca
Curriculum Leader - Science, Franconian International School, Germany info
Simona Ciff
PhD in Educational Psychology, Trainer & Speaker to „Pașaport pentru Succes” info
Cristian Presură
Physicist, Philips, Netherlands info
Liliana Olărașu
Mathematics Teacher, "Vasile Conta" School, Iași info
Bogdan Teodorescu
Founder and Mentor, Astronomy Hub info
Raluca Jianu
CEO, Narada info
Robert Hohan
Biologist, National Institute of Infectious Diseases "Prof. Dr. Matei Balș" info
Laura Mesina
Associate Professor, Center of Excellence in Image Studies, UNIBUC info
Mihai Netea
Professor & Researcher, University Nijmegen, Netherlands info
Oana Moșoiu
University Lecturer, PhD in Education Sciences, FPES, UNIBUC info
Mircea Iliescu
Geneticist, ICE, University of Cambridge, UK info
Eliza Casapopol
Artificial Intelligence Specialist, Microsoft Netherlands & Co-founder RSF info
Oana Romocea
Communications Manager, The Alan Turing Institute, London, UK info
Ștefania Frîncu
Student, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, UNIBUC info
Cristian Stratulat
Student, Computer Science, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany info
Maria Dinu
Student, Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest info
Adrian Dumitrescu
PhD Student, University of Southampton, UK info
Corina Arhip-Rossi
Student, “Dimitrie Cuclin” High School of Arts, Galați info
Iulia Tudor
Student, “Spiru Haret” National College, Focșani info
Inocențiu Bud
Student, "Emil Racoviță" Theoretical High School, Baia Mare info
Alexandra Țunea
Student, “Grigore Moisil” Theoretical High School, Timișoara info
Carmen Ion
Romanian Teacher, Spiru Haret National College, Focșani / Founder, Boovie Festival info
Marta Dyson
Senior Account Manager for Central Europe, Wiley info
Josh Horowitz
International Area Manager, IEEE info
Eszter Lukacs
Client Services Manager, IEEE info
Michael Fanning
Training Manager, OVID info
Galina Yakshonak
Customer Consultant, Elsevier info
Daniel Lungu
Regional Sales Manager for Central and Eastern Europe, CABI info
Tetiana Khristova
Regional Marketing Manager, Chemical Abstracts Service info
Yulia Danyliuk
Associate Product Marketing Manager, Turnitin info
Smaranda Buju
Lecturer PhD., DTT, Technical Univ. "Gh. Asachi", Iași info
Alina Avram
Project Manager, Enformation & SR III, Instit. for World Economy info
Rareș Vasilică
Trainer, Enformation
Alexandra Năstasă
Project Manager, Enformation info
*There might be last minute changes to our current Agenda.*
Stay tuned for more #enformation!
Philips, Netherlands
to Other Stories
to Others Histories
Special Guest: Claudiu Tănăselia, Physicist, Initiator and Author of parsec.ro
Școala de Gramatică
Social Fabrics Research Lab
University of Bucharest