If it's autumn, it's time to participate in the annual event organized by Enformation that puts the spotlight on education and research through engaging plenary sessions, insightful workshops and dynamic live interactions.
Join us at the 12th edition of Romanian Conference for Education and Research, during 7th-9th of November 2023, at the Romanian-American University from Bucharest, and you will enjoy a professional (and friendly) networking environment for the members of the academic community, both from the research and education sector! If you can't be present onsite, don't worry - you can still access #online the presentations and the Q&A sessions!
We strongly believe in spreading knowledge and we think that it starts with sharing experiences and best practices. We want to support the Romanian academic community to get access to quality content and to achieve the credit it deserves on the international research stage.
Stay tuned for more #enformation!

About our ALLS event
Organized by Enformation
“Romanian Conference for Education and Research” (formerly named “Acces la literatura științifică”) is an annual event organized by Enformation, aiming at bringing together people from the Research and Education sectors to create new collaboration opportunities within the academic field. At each edition we encourage our guest-speakers to share their authentic academic experiences to illustrate that education and passion create resourcefulness to obtain positive changes. Join us to find out the latest insights and to enjoy quality social networking!
The 12th Edition
The 12th edition of the conference will be mainly a live, on-site event, but we will also broadcast it online for the interested participants that are not able to come to Bucharest. We return to the face-to-face dynamic and we propose discussions around challenging main topics. As always, we have designed the conference in a way that provides students, PhDs, teachers, librarians and researchers with the ideal environment to share ideas, address various issues and find real solutions for the improvement of the Educational and Research System.
Previous ALLS edition
In 2022, ALLS continued the #online version of our annual event, between 25th-27th October. One highlight was the special session of interviews with the two renowned scientists, Cristian Presură and Mihai Netea. Furthermore, as every year, the three-day event included plenary sessions, workshops and live interactions created to reveal new patterns in #education and #research trends. Over 150 participants attended our event: professors and members of the Academia, researchers, librarians, students, but also high-school students.
Why is our event relevant
International Publishers Collaboration
With our well-known partners` help we provide practical workshops dedicated to all people interested in academic writing and publishing. This way you have the opportunity to find out firsthand about the latest tools designed to ease the research process, the newest functionalities available for librarians and the tips & tricks of their online platforms.
Leadership in Education and Research.
Teachers and Parents Education – the Impact upon Young Generations.
Education and Research Topics
Education and Research remain the major focus of our event, because we consider that they are the key to a better civilization and the main support for evolution! During the conference you will discover how to build trust in educational communities and to be performant in research projects through true leadership, how important interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaboration is in education and research activities, how great the impact of AI already is in our lives, and so much more.
A.I. in Education and Research.
Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Dimension in Education and Research.
Diverse Networking Experience
The key words for Romanian Conference for Education and Research must become actions: #networking & #enformation. Therefore, our event offers you the opportunity to interact with a wide range of the academic community. This way we encourage you to develop future collaborations and projects regarding #research and #education. Moreover, we are keen to receive your feedback and queries, so, please take the opportunity to address them during the Q&A of the conference!
Evaluation in Education and Research.
The Importance of the Educational Communities.
Guest Speakers
Maria Popa
University Lecturer, PhD, Lucian Blaga University in Sibiu info
Ana Maria Stancu
CEO, Bucharest Robots & Founder, RoboHub info
Marian Staș
Chairman of the Board, “Leaders for the Third Millennium Club” Asoc. info
Laura Mesina
Associate Professor, Center of Excellence in Image Studies, UNIBUC info
Gianina Badiu
Program Director, Teach for Romania info
Dragoș Iliescu
Professor of Psychology, University of Bucharest info
Emese Cîmpean
Teacher, ETwinning Ambassador in Romania, PhD Student info
Olimpia Mesa
Author and Learning Design Expert, Founder of Book to Courses™ Online School info
Anca Tîrcă
Educational Consultant, Freelancer info
Anda Zahiu
Assistant professor, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest info
Robert Avram
Former President of the National Student Council info
Gabi Bartic
CEO, Brio.ro info
Vlad Ciocoiu
Student, National University of Music (Bucharest) info
Raluca Panainte
Student, École Polytechnique (France) info
Rareș Bișag
Founder, Romanian Space Initiative info
Irina Lecea
High School Student, National College „Spiru Haret” (Bucharest) info
Miruna Suharov
High School Student, National College „Mihai Eminescu” (Bucharest) info
Ioana Ciurez
High School Student, National College „I.L.Caragiale” (Bucharest) info
Adrian Țurțulea
High School Student, International Informatics High School (Bucharest) info
Marcel Bartic
History Teacher, Evrika School info
Alina Avram
Project Manager, Enformation & SR II, Instit. for World Economy info
Alexandra Năstasă
Project Manager, Enformation info
Representatives of the International Publishing Houses
Tetiana Khristova
Sr. Customer Success Manager (EE & South Caucasus Reg.), CAS info
Iulian Țanea
Head of Communication, CEEOL Press info
Richard van Haaren
Manager Software Solutions (EMEA), Elsevier info
Imad Chahine
Solution Engineer (Research Solutions), Elsevier info
Zsófia Büttel
Senior Product Manager, Elsevier info
Joe Tagg
Regional Sales Manager (CEE), CABI info
Eva Czegledi
Senior Account Manager, SE Europe, Clarivate Analytics info
Massimiliano Bearzot
Product Sales Manager (Research & Analytics), Clarivate Analytics info
Iulian Herciu
Consultant, Clarivate Analytics info
Adriana Filip
Senior Manager (Customer Success Consulting), Clarivate Analytics info
Daniel Lungu
Sales Manager (CEE), IOP info
Radka Krivankova
Business Manager (Sweden & Finland, EE), Emerald Publishing info
Ioana Crăciun
Scientific Officer, MDPI info
Anamaria Vartolomei
Journal Relations Specialist, MDPI info
Stefan Zamfir
Institutional Partnership Manager, MDPI info
Codruta Fernea
Marketing Lead Romania, MDPI info
Urszula Sasimowicz
Senior Library Sales Manager (Eastern Europe), Sage info
Claudia Paicu
Training & Engagement Specialist, Sage info
Katarzyna Czerwińska
Account & Relationship Manager, OVID info
Joffrey Planchard
Strategic Account Manager, Wiley info
Graham Woodward
Associate Customer Success Director, Wiley info
Aly Burt
Director Strategic Sales, Wiley info
Joshua O. Horowitz
International Area Manager (CEE Europe & Israel), IEEE info
Maria Markova
Regional Director (CEE, Israel & CIS Countries), Springer info
Asdaa Kotani
Vice President Institutional Sales (EEMEA), Springer info
Ola Riddick
Sales Executive (Academic & Research), BMJ info
Patricia Cavalari
Regional Digital Sales Manager (Europe), McGrawHill info
*There might be last minute changes to our current Agenda.*
Stay tuned for more #enformation!
Special Guest: Claudiu Tănăselia, Physicist, Initiator and Author of parsec.ro
Școala de Gramatică
Social Fabrics Research Lab