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If you are a student, you have free access to the Enformation Conference! Log in your Institutional Profile on the Enformation website and fill in the registration form! See you online!

Romanian Conference for Education and Research is exclusively an #online event in 2020!

The 8th edition of the conference It’s about You! – it is about every educational and professional process with its unique design!

Are you ready for new engaging plenary sessions, insightful workshops and dynamic live interactions?

Join us #online, during 27th-29th October, and be part of the positive change of the Romanian Education and Research System!

We firmly believe in spreading knowledge and we think that it starts with sharing experiences and best practices, as well as creating debates with the audience participation. We want to support real achievements in the Romanian Research and Education System, so we highlight real role models and welcome them as our guest-speakers! Furthermore, with the special collaboration of International Publishing Houses, our event brings the close-up to the transformation of the research environment and academic publishing, as well as the focus to the rapid evolution of the specific tools for this activity.

Stay tuned for more #enformation!*

*Event registration opens in the last week of September.

logo micPartners

logo micAbout our three-day event

Organized by Enformation

“Romanian Conference for Education and Research” (formerly named “Acces la literatura științifică”) is an annual event organized by Enformation, aiming at bringing together people from the Research and Education sectors to create new collaboration opportunities within the academic field. With each edition we encourage our guest-speakers to share their authentic academic experiences to illustrate that education and passion create resourcefulness to obtain positive changes and performances.

The 8th Edition

The 8th edition of the conference is a premier for us! In 2020, we bring the event exclusively #online, but we keep the same high standards and we have the same goal: to illustrate new perspectives about education and research to the Enformation community. Furthermore, the conference is designed to provide students, PhDs, teachers, librarians and researchers with the ideal environment to share ideas, address various issues and find solutions. The three-day event includes plenary sessions, workshops and live interactions created to reveal new patterns in #education, #research trends, as well as innovative solutions focused on the future of both areas. Be part of our initiative!

Previous ALLS edition

In 2019, ALLS was held in Timisoara between 5th-7th November. The importance of educational communities and the interdisciplinary dimension in teaching were the main themes of the plenary sessions. Meanwhile, OA and Open Science were the focus of the workshops. 200 participants attended our event: representatives of International Publishing Houses, professors and members of the Academia, researchers, librarians, students, but also high-school students. In 2020, join us to find out the latest topics and to enjoy quality social networking with academic professionals!

logo micWhy is our event relevant

International Publishers Collaboration

This year, our well-known partners` will join us #online! The representatives of the International Publishing Houses will be available for live interactions with the audience and they will also present practical workshops. So, if you are interested in academic writing and publishing, you will have the opportunity to find out firsthand about the latest tools designed to ease the research process, the newest functionalities available for librarians and the tips & tricks of their online platforms.

Research and Education Topics

The Romanian Research and Education System remains the major focus of our activities. Why? Because we consider that education is the key to a better civilization and research supports evolution! During the plenary sessions you will discover how things are with motivation in education, how failure in research is a necessary lesson, how we can achieve well-being in schools, how important is the transdisciplinary collaboration, how digitalization in teaching and STEM education are essential nowadays, likewise how technology helps during crisis time.

Diverse Networking Experience

The key words for Romanian Conference for Education and Research must become actions: #networking & #enformation. Therefore, our event offers you the opportunity to interact with a wide-range of the academic community. This way we encourage you to develop future collaborations and projects within the Romanian System regarding #research and #education.

  • Interdisciplinary Dimension in Education and Research.

  • The Importance of the Educational Communities.

  • Open Science.

  • Perspectives of Research Failure.

  • Motivation in Education and Research.

These topics and many more will be discussed at the 8th edition of the ALLS event and will be delivered by experienced guest-speakers. Romanian Conference for Education and Research encourages sharing ideas, debates and building future partnerships! 😉

logo micSpeakers

  • Tiberius Ignat

    Director, Scientific Knowledge Services info

  • Kristiina H. Poutanen

    Director, Library Network Services, NLF info

  • Paul Ayris

    Pro-Vice-Provost, UCL Library Services info

  • Corina Popa

    Founder, "Școala de Gramatică" info

  • Mircea Miclea

    Professor, Babeș-Bolyai University info

  • Smaranda Moroșanu

    Student, University of Oxford info

  • Vlad Arimia

    Student, Scientific Advisor, UCL Neuroscience Society info

  • Anca Popovici

    Associate Professor, Fac. of Psychology and Educational Sciences, UNIBUC info

  • Doru Căstăian

    Philosophy Teacher, "Dimitrie Cuclin" High School of Arts, Galați info

  • Judy Brady

    Area Manager (Europe), IEEE info

  • Eszter Lukacs

    Client Services Manager (Europe), IEEE info

  • Anca Tîrcă

    Educational Consultant, Freelancer info

  • Ciprian Stănescu

    Co-founder, Social Innovation Solutions info

  • Violeta Dascălu

    School Principal, Middle School “Ferdinand I” info

  • Silvia Batorii

    Space Software Engineer info

  • Mihaela Gligor

    Scientific Researcher, “George Barițiu” History Institute, Cluj-Napoca info

  • Dan Solcan

    History Teacher, "Bogdan Petriceicu Hașdeu" National College, Buzău info

  • Alina S. Rusu

    Associate Professor, Fac. of Psychology and Educational Sciences, UBB info

  • Andrei Stupu

    Business Consultant L&D, Trainer, Creator & Owner "Ziua Mintzii" info

  • Alina Avram

    Project Manager, Enformation info

  • Alexandra Pînzariu

    Founder, The FutureKit info

  • Richard Poole

    Principal Research Associate, UCL info

  • Adriana Filip

    Solutions Consultant, Web of Science Group info

  • Michael Fanning

    Customer Success - Training Manager, OVID info

  • Sheridan Willis

    Open Access Manager, Wiley info

  • Eva Czegledi

    Senior Account Manager, ProQuest info

  • Gloria Borghetti

    Account Executive for Eastern Europe, T&F info

  • Nicolo Pierini

    OA Business Development Executive, T&F info

  • Katarzyna Gaca-Zając

    Senior Customer Consultant, Elsevier info

  • Alexandra Năstasă

    Project Manager, Enformation info

  • Teodora Trofimov

    High School Student, C.N. “Vasile Alecsandri”, Galați info

  • Ștefania Frîncu

    High School Student, “B. P. Hașdeu” National College, Buzău info

  • Vlad Ciocoiu

    High School Student, “Dimitrie Cuclin” High School of Arts, Galați info

  • Maria Rotărescu

    High School Student, “B.P.Hașdeu” National College, Buzău info

  • Sarah Grădineanu

    High School Student, CNB Highschool, Timișoara info

logo micAgenda

We work with enthusiasm to optimally plan the 8th edition of the conference!
Until all the details are ready, you can take a look to the archives of our previous events 🙂

If you are a student, you have free access to the Enformation Conference! Log in your Institutional Profile on the Enformation website and fill in the registration form! See you online!
Ziua 1
10:00 - 10:30 - Deschiderea conferinței (Enformation)
10:30 - 12:00
Școala - Comunitate Educațională
Anca Tîrcă
Consultant Educațional, Freelancer
Starea de bine în școală
*Q&A live (#online)
Școala - Comunitate Educațională
Violeta Dascălu
Director, Școala Gimnazială „Ferdinand I”
*Q&A live (#online)
12:00 - 13:00
Workshop ProQuest
Eva Czegledi
Senior Account Manager, ProQuest
Cost Effective Resources for Academic and Research Institutions - ProQuest - More than Subscriptions
*Q&A live (#online)
13:00 - 14:00
Workshop IEEE
Eszter Lukacs
Manager Servicii Clienți pentru Europa, IEEE
Judy Brady
Manager Regional pentru Europa, IEEE
Making the most of IEEE Xplore access through research and publishing
*Q&A live (#online)
14:00 - 15:00
Modele Inovatoare de Învățare
Anca Popovici
Conferențiar Universitar, Facultatea de

Psihologie și Științele Educației, UNIBUC

The search for the bigger picture sau de ce modelele integrate în educație au sens?
*Q&A live (#online)
Modele Inovatoare de Învățare
Alina S. Rusu
Conferențiar Universitar, Facultatea de Psihologie și Științele Educației, UBB Cluj
Educația bazată pe compasiune și participare civică a studenților. Provocări ale mediului online
*Q&A live (#online)
15:00 - 16:00
Motivația în Educație
Doru Căstăian
Profesor de Științe Socio-Umane, Liceul

de Arte „Dimitrie Cuclin”, Galați

Despre diferite forme de motivare şi demotivare în învăţământ
*Q&A live (#online)
Motivația în Educație
Dan Solcan
Profesor de Istorie, Colegiul Național

„Bogdan Petriceicu Hașdeu”, Buzău

O poveste despre motivație
*Q&A live (#online)