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Smaranda Moroșanu
Company / Organization
University of Oxford
Title / Position
Student (Philosophy, Politics and Economics)
Short description
Since Smaranda last spoke at the ALLS Conference in 2017, she graduated from the National College of Iasi as a Valedictorian and won “Best Speaker” within the EFL category at the 2018 World Schools Debating Championship as part of the Romanian National Debate Team. After four years of competitive academic debating, she continued her studies at the University of Oxford, where she is now a final-year PPE student and a Scholar of Oriel College. As an active member of the student community, she served as Treasurer of the Oxford Women in Business Society, Sponsorship Officer for the Oxford Union, and Project Leader within the Oxford Strategy Group, a student-led management consultancy focused on helping organisations thrive. Smaranda is eager to return as a speaker at the 2020 edition of the ALLS Conference and discuss how the Romanian educational system can be changed for the better.