Romanian Conference for Education and Research is the biannual event organized by Enformation and It’s about You! – it is about every educational and professional process with its unique design! In 2024 we are getting ready to offer new engaging plenary sessions, insightful workshops and dynamic live interactions to our community.

Join us #on-site, between 29th-30th October, and be part of the positive change of the Romanian Education and Research System at the 14th edition of the conference, in the Aula Magna "Mihai Șerban" of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Calea Mănăştur 3-5, Cluj-Napoca!

We firmly believe in spreading knowledge and we think that it starts with sharing experiences and best practices, as well as creating debates with the audience participation. We want to support real achievements in the Romanian Research and Education System, so we highlight real role models and welcome them as our guest-speakers! Furthermore, with the special collaboration of International Publishing Houses, every year our event brings to the forefront the transformation of the research environment and the academic publishing, as well as the rapid advances in the development of research tools.

Stay tuned for more #enformation!

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About our two-day event

Organized by Enformation

“Romanian Conference for Education and Research” (formerly named “Acces la literatura științifică”) is an biannual event organized by Enformation, aiming at bringing together people from the Research and Education sectors to create new collaboration opportunities within the academic field. With each edition we encourage our guest-speakers to share their authentic academic experiences to illustrate that education and passion create resourcefulness to obtain positive changes and performances. So, join us to find out the latest insights and to enjoy quality social networking with academic professionals!

The 14th Edition

The 14th edition of the conference will be a live, on-site event. Maintaining our high standards, we also keep our goal: to illustrate new perspectives about education and research to the Enformation community. Every year we design the conference in order to provide students, PhDs, teachers, librarians and researchers with the ideal environment to share ideas, address various issues and find solutions. The two-day event includes plenary sessions, workshops and live interactions created to reveal new patterns in #education, #research trends, as well as innovative solutions focused on the future of both areas. Be part of our initiative!

Previous ALLS edition

During the plenary sessions of the previous edition, we succeeded in bringing close to our audience debates regarding the importance of motivation and resilience in the fields of education and research, as well as the positive impact of the interdisciplinary dimension in these areas. Meanwhile, OA and Open Science were the focus of the workshops. Over 100 participants attended our event: representatives of International Publishing Houses, professors and members of the Academia, researchers, librarians, students, but also high-school students.

Why is our event relevant

International Publishers Collaboration

The representatives of the International Publishing Houses will be available #on-site for live interactions and they will also present practical workshops. So, if you are interested in academic writing and publishing, you will have the opportunity to find out first-hand about the latest tools designed to ease the research process, the newest functionalities available for librarians and the tips & tricks of their online platforms.

Education and Research Topics

The Romanian Educational and Research System remains the major focus of our activities. Why? Because we consider that education is the key to a better civilization and research supports evolution! During the conference you will discover how essential motivation, resilience and transdisciplinary collaboration are in education and research activities, how digitalization in teaching and STEM education are a must nowadays, how we could build a better future after this crisis time and so much more.

Diverse Networking Experience

The key words for Romanian Conference for Education and Research must become actions: #networking & #enformation. Therefore, our event offers you the opportunity to interact with a wide-range of the academic community. This way we encourage you to develop future collaborations and projects within the Romanian System regarding #research and #education.

Interdisciplinary Dimension in Education and Research.

Motivation and Resilience in Education and Research.

Education and Research after the pandemic. Where to?

Online Education – a Solution or a Problem?

Teachers and Parents Education - the Impact upon Young Generations.

The Importance of the Educational Communities.

Research during Crisis Time.

Perspectives of Research Failure.


Plenary Speakers

  • Luminița Silaghi Dumitrescu

    President Anelis Plus info

  • Nadia Sava

    UBB Cluj-Napoca, Departamentul de Drept Public info

  • Andreea Cernat

    UMF “Iuliu Hatieganu” info

  • Victor Velter

    Centrul de Politica Ştiintei şi Scientometriei, UEFISCDI info

  • Radu E. Sestraș

    Editor-in-Chief Notulae Scientia Biologicae - USAMV din Cluj-Napoca info

  • Dr. Ivona Olariu

    Director Executiv AnelisPlus & Șef Serviciu BCU “Mihai Eminescu” Iași info

  • Eszter Lukacs

    Client Services Manager, IEEE info

  • Joshua O. Horowitz

    International Area Manager (CEE Europe & Israel), IEEE info

  • Adriana Filip

    Senior Manager (Customer Success Consulting), Clarivate Analytics info

  • Tetiana Khristova

    Manager Regional Marketing, Chemical Abstracts Service info

  • Alina Avram

    Project Manager, Enformation & CS III, Instit. de Economie Mondială info

  • TBA

    TBA info

  • Joffrey Planchard

    Strategic Account Manager, Wiley info

  • TBA

    TBA info

  • TBA

    TBA info

  • TBA

    TBA info

Parallel Session Speakers


*There might be last minute changes to our current Agenda.*

29 October 2024
09:00 - 10:00 – Reception of participants
10:00 - 10:45
Opening of the Conference
Prof. dr. Cornel Cătoi
Rector USAMV Cluj
Cuvânt de bun venit!
*Presentation in Romanian
Opening of the Conference
Prof. dr. Luminița Silaghi-Dumitrescu
Președinte Anelis Plus
... Despre Cercetare ...
*Presentation in Romanian
10:45 - 11:30
Plenary Session 1
Joffrey Planchard
Strategic Account Manager, Wiley
*Presentation in English
**Q&A session
11:30 - 12:00
Plenary Session 2
Katarzyna Czerwińska
Account & Relationship Manager , OVID
*Presentation in English
**Q&A session
12:00 - 12:30 – Coffee Break
12:30 - 13:15
Plenary Session 3
Adriana Filip
Senior Manager, Customer Success Consulting, Clarivate
*Presentation in English
*Q&A session
Plenary Session 3
Massimiliano Bearzot
Product Sales Manager – Research & Analytics, Clarivate
*Presentation in English
*Q&A session
13:15 - 14:00
Plenary Session 4
Joshua O. Horowitz
International Area Manager for Central & Northern Europe, and Israel, IEEE
*Presentation in English
**Q&A session
14:00 - 14:30
Plenary Session 5
TBA, UpToDate
*Presentation in English
**Q&A session
14:30 - 15:30 – Lunch & Networking
15:30 - 16:00
Plenary Session 6
Dr. Tetiana Khristova
Sr. Customer Success Manager, Eastern Europe & South Caucasus region, ACS International (CAS)
*Presentation in English
**Q&A session
16:00 - 16:30
Plenary Session 7
TBA, Coherent Digital
*Presentation in English
**Q&A session
16:30 - 17:00
Plenary Session 8
TBA, Turnitin
*Presentation in English
**Q&A session
17:00 - 17:15 – Closing of the first day of the conference
30 October 2024
09:00 - 10:00 – Reception of participants
10:00 - 10:45
Plenary Session 9
Dr. Ivona OLARIU
Director Executiv AnelisPlus & Șef Serviciu BCU “Mihai Eminescu” Iași
*Presentation in Romanian
10:45 - 11:30
Plenary Session 10
Prof. dr. DHC Radu SESTRAȘ
Editor-in-Chief Notulae Scientia Biologicae - Universitatea de Știinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară din Cluj-Napoca
*Presentation in Romanian
**Q&A session
11:30 - 12:00 – Coffee Break
12:00 - 13:00
Parallel Session - Poster Presentations
Alina Avram - Keynote Speaker
Project Manager, Enformation & SR II, Instit. for World Economy
Parallel Session - Poster Presentations
*Q&A session
13:00 - 13:45
Plenary Session 11
Dr. Victor VELTER
Centrul de Politica Ştiintei şi Scientometriei - Unitatea Executivă pentru Finanţarea Învăţământului Superior a Cercetării Dezvoltării şi Inovării - UEFISCDI
Aspecte contradictorii privind raportarea/evaluarea eligibilității publicațiilor indexate in “Web of Science”
*Presentation in Romanian
**Q&A session
13:45 - 14:30
Plenary Session 12
PhD Nadia Ariadna MAN SAVA
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Departamentul de Drept Public
The SAPIENS Project - Sustainability and Procurement in International, European, and National Systems
*Presentation in Romanian
**Q&A session
14:30 - 15:00 – Closing the conference
15:00 - 16:00 – Lunch & Networking
20th May 2021
10:00 - 10:30 - Opening of the Conference (Enformation)

Special Guest: Claudiu Tănăselia, Physicist, Initiator and Author of

10:30 - 12:00
Motivation in Research
Mihaela Gligor
Scientific Researcher, “George Barițiu” History Institute, Cluj-Napoca
From Failure to Excellency in Research. A Personal Experience
*Q&A live (#online)
Motivation in Research
Alina Simona Rusu
Associate Professor, Fac. of Psychology and Educational Sciences, UBB
Dealing with Rejection of Manuscripts: Reflections of a PhD Coordinator
*Q&A live (#online)
12:00 - 14:00
Academic Publishing
Iulian Țanea
Head of Communication, CEEOL Press
Krisztina Kós
Director, CEEOL Press
International Academic Publishing – How to Publish with CEEOL Press
*Q&A live (#online)
Academic Publishing
Alina Avram
Project Manager, Enformation
Garima Sharma
Deputy Editor, RSC
MasterClass Enformation –

First Glance

*Q&A live (#online)
14:00 - 15:00
Resilience in Education and Research
Corina Popa

Școala de Gramatică

The Power to Start Over in Research
*Q&A live (#online)
Resilience in Education and Research
Silvia Fierăscu
Founder and Director,

Social Fabrics Research Lab

Thriving in Research and Education. A Tale of Youth Empowerment
*Q&A live (#online)
15:00 - 16:00
Coping with Times of Crisis
Doru Căstăian
Philosophy Teacher, “Dimitrie Cuclin” High School of Arts, Galați
Philosophy and Antifragility
*Q&A live (#online)
Coping with Times of Crisis
Daniela Dumulescu
Teaching Assistant, Fac. of Psychology and Educational Sciences, UBB
Meaningful Success Fails: Revealing the Valuable Equation of Failure
*Q&A live (#online)
30 October 2024
11:00 Parallel Session - Poster Presentations
Poster Presentations
Gabriela Dobre
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Gabriel Dumitrescu
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
The Role of Education in the Future AGI. A Study on the Balance of Education, Finance, and Social Welfare
Poster Presentations
Bianca Andreea Hurjui
Școala Națională de Studii Politice și Administrative (SNSPA)
The Intention to Leave: An Overview of the Factors Determining the Turnover from the Teaching Career in the Romanian Education System
Poster Presentations
Sanda Guină
“Babeș-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca
The Role of Discursive Genres in the Spread of Fake News: Visual Rhetoric, Cognitive Biases, and Cross-Platform Dynamics
Poster Presentations
Nicoleta Duță
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, Romania
Victoria Gheorghe
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, Romania
The Benefits of Using Technology to Optimize Student Learning in the Classroom
Poster Presentations
Elena-Rita Avram
“Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy, Faculty of Navigation and Naval Management
Doru Coșofreț
“Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy, Faculty of Marine Engineering
The Positive Effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Marine Higher Education
11:45 – Parallel Session - Poster Presentations
12:30 Parallel Session - Poster Presentations
Poster Presentations
Laura Malița
West University of Timisoara
Gabriela Grosseck
West University of Timisoara
Transforming Higher Education: How Generative AI Might Revolutionize Learning and Teaching
Poster Presentations
Ioana Nisioi
Babeș-Bolyai University
Alexandru Roja
Babeș-Bolyai University
Digitalization in Education: Innovating Value for Stakeholders
Poster Presentations
Diana Munteanu
Ovidius University of Constanța, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Romania
Luminița Sandu
Ovidius University of Constanța, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Romania
Floricica Călin
Ovidius University of Constanța, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Romania
Florentina Colgiu
Gradinița cu Program Prelungit ,"Dumbrava minunată", Romania
Methods of Developing Creative Thinking through Mathematical Problem-Solving Techniques
Poster Presentations
Camelia Tulcan
University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I" from Timisoara
Javier Rodrigo Ilarri
Universitat Politècnica de València
Luis Manuel Sánchez-Ruiz
Universitat Politècnica de València
Nuria Llobregat-Gómez
Universitat Politècnica de València
María Elena Rodrigo-Clavero
Universitat Politècnica de València
Ioana Mihaela Balan
University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I" from Timisoara
Yanislav Zhelev
Burgas Free University
Mariya Zheleva
Burgas Free University
Iuliana Chilea
Romanian Standards Association
Speranta Stomff
Romanian Standards Association
Mihaela Stancu
Romanian Standards Association
Rositza Georgieva
Bulgarian Institute for Standardization
Is the Education in Standardization One of the Best Approaches in Training the Next Generation of Experts?
Poster Presentations
Javier Rodrigo Ilarri
Universitat Politècnica de València
Camelia Tulcan
University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I" from Timisoara
Luis Manuel Sánchez-Ruiz
Universitat Politècnica de València
Nuria Llobregat-Gómez
Universitat Politècnica de València
María Elena Rodrigo-Clavero
Universitat Politècnica de València
Dorin Camen
University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I" from Timisoara
Sorina Popescu
University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I" from Timisoara
Maria Roberta Tripon
University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I" from Timisoara
Florin Huiban
University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I" from Timisoara
Yanislav Zhelev
Burgas Free University
Mariya Zheleva
Burgas Free University
Iuliana Chilea
Romanian Standards Association
Speranta Stomff
Romanian Standards Association
Mihaela Stancu
Romanian Standards Association
Rositza Georgieva
Bulgarian Institute for Standardization
Micro-Credentials and Green Standards – An International Approach of Sustainability Learning
13:15 Parallel Session - Poster Presentations