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Adrian Dumitrescu
Company / Organization
University of Southampton, UK
Title / Position
PhD Student
Short description
I have graduated from the Sf. Sava National College (Bucharest) in 2015, and then I did my Bachelor’s and Masters in Spacecraft Engineering at the University of Southampton (UK). I have also spent one semester in the US at Purdue University. Since 2019 I have been pursuing a PhD in Multifunctional 3D Printed Satellite Structures at Southampton. In parallel, since 2021 I have been involved in the Romanian Space Initiative (ROSPIN), an NGO that offers a range of courses and hands-on projects in the realm of space engineering for university and high school students in Romania. In the fall of 2022 I started my first business, SpacedIn Bucharest which is a space education center for middle school and high school pupils. I am passionate about space and education and I am always excited to meet like minded people.