“Let’s talk about your career!” to the annual event organized by Enformation, “Acces la literatura științifică”. Join us at the 7th edition of the conference, between 5th-7th of November 2019, in Timișoara, and you will enjoy a networking environment for the members of the academic community, both from the research and education sector!
We believe in spreading knowledge and we think that starts with sharing experiences and best practices, as well as creating debates with the audience participation. Romanian International Conference for Research and Education means plenary sessions about effervescent and interesting topics, but also insightful workshops. We want to support real achievements in the Romanian Research and Education System, so we highlight real role models and welcome them as our guest-speakers! Furthermore, with the special collaboration of International Publishing Houses our event will host practical workshops to reveal tips & tricks and the latest tools available for Romanian researchers interested in academic publishing.
7th edition #ALLS is (still) all about #research #education #future
Stay tuned for more #enformation!


About our three-day event

Organized by Enformation
“Acces la literatura științifică” is an annual event organized by Enformation aiming at bringing together people from the Research and Education sectors to create new collaboration opportunities within the academic field. Additionally, we want to share with the Enformation community the positive changes of the Romanian system and to illustrate that resourcefulness comes from a well-educated and guided passion.
The 7th Edition
The 7th edition of the conference provides students, PhDs, teachers, librarians and researchers with the ideal environment to share ideas, address various issues and find solutions. The three-day event includes plenary sessions and workshops designed to reveal #research trends, new patterns in #education, as well as innovative solutions focused on the #future of both areas.
Previous ALLS
Each edition of “Acces la literatura științifică” takes place in a different important academic-city. In 2018, ALLS was held in Cluj-Napoca, between 23rd-25th October, and more than 200 participants attended our event: representatives of International Publishing Houses, professors and members of the Academia, researchers, librarians, students, but also high-school students.

Why is our event relevant

International Publishers Collaboration
With our well-known partners` help we provide practical workshops dedicated to all people interested in academic writing and publishing. This way you have the opportunity to find out firsthand about the latest tools designed to ease the research process, the newest functionalities available for librarians and the tips & trick of their online platforms.
Research and Education Topics
The Romanian Research and Education System remain the major focus of our activities. Why? Because we consider that research supports evolution and education is the key to a better civilization! During the plenary sessions you will discover alternative methods in teaching and learning, differences between public and private schools, likewise the latest information regarding space exploration and technological advancement.
Diverse Networking Experience
The key-words for Romanian International Conference for Research and Education must become actions: #networking & #enformation. Therefore, our event offers you the opportunity to interact with a wide-range of the academic community. This way we encourage you to develop #future collaborations and projects within the Romanian System regarding #research and #education.
The Importance of the Educational Communities.
Research and Education: Interlinking Your Career.
Parent Education: the Future.
Research Saves Lives.
Research Students: Reality or Challenge?
These topics and many more will be discussed at the 7th edition of the event “Acces la literatura științifică” and will be delivered by experienced international and national guest-speakers. We encourage debates, sharing ideas and building partnerships.



Pauză & Networking
11:30 – 12:00
Pauza de masă
14:00 – 15:00


Central Library of the University Politehnica Timisoara
B-dul. Vasile Pârvan, Nr. 2b,
300 223 – Timisoara, Jud. Timiş, Romania