Gail Clement
Company / Organization
Caltech Library
Title / Position
Head of Research Services
Short description
Gail Clement is a Library Administrator and Science Research Librarian at the Caltech Library. She oversees a team of subject librarians, repository, metadata and licensing specialists who develop knowledge management resources, publishing services, and authorship programs for the Caltech community. In this role she also represents Caltech Library on the Organizational Advisory Assembly for the Research Data Alliance, the Committee on Publication Ethics, the Overleaf Steering Committee, and the ORCID Curriculum working group. She is a certified Data Carpentry Instructor, specializing in research data cleaning and enhancement; data sharing; and citation and publication of all research outputs. As Coordinator of Author Carpentry - a researcher training program in 21st century authorship and publishing - Gail collaborates with developers and researchers to create practical, hands-on, and useful lessons in responsible, reproducible, and reuseable open publication. Author Carpentry builds on a pilot lesson from Software Carpentry on Scientific Authorship. Author Carpentry workshops are offered at Caltech and through professional groups such as the CODATA-RDA Summer School in Research Data Science, the Force11 Scholarly Communication Institute, and the Association for Artificial Intelligence 2017 Tutorial Forum.