Elsevier îi ajută pe cercetătorii și profesioniștii din domeniul sănătății să promoveze știința și să îmbunătățească rezultatele în beneficiul societății. Printre soluțiile digitale puse la dispoziție de Elsevier se numără platformele: ScienceDirect, Scopus, Embase, Knovel, Reaxys. Scopul editurii Elsevier este acela de a oferi excelență, astfel că anual peste 25% din informația științifică publicată la nivel mondial poartă marca acestei edituri.

Speaker Workshop1:
Anton Degtev, Solutions Manager for Eastern & Southern Europe
Bionotes: As the Solution Sales Manager I am responsible for new sales (new customers and cross-sell) for the products in our portfolio. The key solutions that I am selling are SciVal, Pure and Scopus and ExpertLookup for various use cases within academia, corporate and government sectors.
More info about the products can be found via: https://www.elsevier.com/research-intelligence/solutions
Speaker Workshop2: Piotr Golkiewicz, Customer Consultant Life Science Solutions
Bionotes: Piotr Golkiewicz, born in Poland, graduated from University of Lublin at
the Faculty of Chemistry. Post-graduation Piotr worked for 5 years at
the university as a researcher and university teacher in chemistry.
In 1991 Piotr left academia to practice business skills in various
international companies.
In 2006 Piotr joined Elsevier, thus returning to his scientific roots.
He worked at various positions related to scientific journals, e-books
and databases.
Since 2014 Piotr is supporting Life Science portfolio of Elsevier in
Central-Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa, currently at the position
of Customer Consultant Life Sciences.