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Anca Tîrcă
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Educational Consultant
Short description
Anca Tîrcă graduated from the University of Bucharest and attended many courses in the USA, UK, The Netherlands, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Poland etc. She has been working in the education sector for almost 40 years, first as a teacher and school principal and later on as a trainer, project manager, author of many publications, curriculum developer, evaluator, adviser, team leader, key expert and consultant. During all these years, Anca has contributed to reforming education systems in Romania and abroad, by getting involved in internationally financed programmes dealing with policy analysis, capacity building, curriculum development, teacher professional development etc. being employed to undertake consultancy assignments by the World Bank, European Commission, Open Society Foundation, Center Education 2000+, British Council, Council of Europe, UNICEF, Know How Fund, Donetsk Human Rights School, etc. Furthermore, she has worked for both private companies (WYG International UK and Turkey, ECO Belgium, MBC Consulting etc) and state institutions (MoE, school inspectorates, etc) in Romania, UK, Turkey, Ukraine, Poland, Croatia, Hungary, Spain and Italy. She is the owner and blogger at http://ancatirca.blogspot.ro/, and as well the promoter and coordinator of the national educational programs: „Învățare cu stare de bine în școală”, „Toată școala citește”, „Dă culoare școlii tale!”, „Clase în aer liber”, „Ora de fericire la școală” și „O cancelarie altfel”. Last but not least, Anca Tîrcă has the role of Country Ambassador Romania for the T4 Association, Ambassador for Education of the Corinth Publishing House and has an Ashoka 2022 nomination as a changemaker for Romania.