For the first time, the annual event “Acces la literatura științifică” organized by Enformation offers you the possibility to participate to Romanian International Conference for Research and Education – Sibiu Extension. Why? Because we believe in bringing the information closer to all members of the academic community.
Romanian International Conference for Research and Education means sharing experiences and knowledge, as well as debates with the audience participation. Also, the event represents the opportunity to create new collaborations and projects, which can provide alternatives and real solutions to the limitations of the Romanian Research and Education System. Last but not least, the conference offers a networking environment for the academic community’s members, whether they are from the research sector, whether they are from the education sector.
Stay tuned for more #enformation!
Organized by Enformation
“Acces la literatura științifică” is an annual event organised by Enformation aiming at bringing together people from the Research and Education sectors to create new collaboration opportunities within the academic field. For the first time, we propose to the academic community an annex of the conference along with the Sibiu Extension in order to better disseminate the information.
The 5th Edition
2017 represented the 5th edition of the conference and it was held at Iași, on the 25th-27th October. More than 250 participants attended our event, among them being: representatives of 21 International Publishing Houses, professors and members of the Academia, researchers, librarians, students, but also, high-school students. During these three days there took place plenary sessions and workshops, created to present research trends, new learning and teaching methods, as well innovative solutions for both areas.
Sibiu Extension
Sibiu Extension targets as audience: students, PhDs, teachers, librarians and researchers. We design new interesting sessions and dynamic workshops just to encourage the academic community to share opinions and experiences. We consider that the key-words for Romanian International Conference for Research and Education must become actions: #networking & #enformation.
Why is our event relevant
International Publishers
The event has international guests, like Clarivate Analytic, Elsevier and CEEOL (Central and Eastern Online Library). With our well known partners` help, experts in academic publishing, we propose to our audience practical workshops. During these discussions you have the chance to find out firsthand about the latest tools designed to ease the research process, the newest functionalities available for librarians and the tips & trick of their online platforms.
One of the main themes of the Romanian International Conference for Research and Education, as the name suggests, is the research activity. If you’re passionate about the subject or research is already an important part of your professional life, the plenary sessions are designed for you! Our guests will talk about the situation of the Romanian Research System and the impact of the digital transformation on different sectors.
The second focus of our event regards the education area. We all know that the Romanian Educational System needs a change. During the plenary sessions, the speakers will discuss about how education is the key to social and economic growth, from different points of view. We invite you to join our guests and to contribute to the Q&A sessions, so that we can reveal also the solutions, not only the existence of problems.

- Connector.Connector.
How should the education system evolve to meet to current needs of the student?
- Connector.Connector.
What are the most engaging learning models for millenials?
- Connector.Connector.
How can we overcome the limitations of the Romanian Research and Education System?
These topics and many more will be discussed at the event “Acces la literatura științifică” - Sibiu Extension 2018 and will be delivered by experienced international and national speakers. Our event encourages debates, sharing ideas and experiences, building partnerships and new projects.
08:30 – 10:00 | Registration & Welcome coffee Location: “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu Address: Str. Lucian Blaga, nr. 2A, Sibiu, Romania |
10:00 – 10:30 | Conference opens Special Session ― Romanian Research and Education: Do we believe in evolution? Chair: Victor Voican, Enformation Abstract: We will try to find out our guests and auditorium opinions in an Open-Discussion concerning the Romanian research visibility, evaluation and trends in higher education. (Open Q&A section) |
Prof. univ. dr. ing. Ioan Bondrea, Rector, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu Prof. univ. dr. habil. Ioan Marian Țiplic, Vice-Rector, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu Lect. univ. dr. Maria Rodica Volovici, Director, “Lucian Blaga” Central Library of Sibiu Conf. univ. dr. ing. Luminița Giurgiu, Prorector, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy of Sibiu |
10:30 – 11:40 | Plenary Session One ― Education: Fundamental Factor of the Social and Economical Growth Chair: Iulian Țanea, Enformation Abstract: Education represents a fundamental factor of evolution, from all points of view. Education supports productivity and creativity, but also development of technologies. Our guests will present some of their personal ideas and projects, designed to shape the educational sector, as well as the future itself by focusing on the new generations. (Open Q&A section) |
Dr. Daniela-Maria Creţu, Associate Professor, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, DPPD - Education is Key to Social and Economical Growth Dr. Andreia Petcu, Education Manager, “Learning by Teaching” Association - STEM in Higher Education |
11:40 – 12:00 | Refreshments | ||||
12:00 – 13:15 | Plenary Session Two ― Academic Experience and Research Chair: Iulian Țanea, Enformation Abstract: Academic Experience contributes to the development of the society and sharing it helps the evolutionary process overall. With our partners help, during this session, we will try to present the trends in international research, the available tools and useful tips for the academic community in Romania. (Open Q&A section) |
Oana Stoian, Sales Director for South Eastern Europe, Elsevier - Old or New? Trends and Developments in Accessing Scholarly Content *This session will be presented in English. |
Special Session - Research in East and Central Europe: challenges and achievements Abstract: Using the Elsevier SciVal solution, this session will explore proofs of excellence and challenges that research faces in Central Europe, during the 20st century. From C vitamin to contact lens, from psychoanalysis to first reaction motor plane, the countries from Central and East Europe set the tone in many sectors of science. Unless, East Europe always had and keeps having obstacles from competitors. Witch is nowadays the research trend in East and Central Europe? One of the many questions that will get an answer during this session. (Open Q&A section) |
Peter Porosz, Research Management Solutions Manager, Elsevier - In-Between Europe’ Researched: Measurable results of the Scientific Enterprise in Central and Eastern Europe *This session will be presented in English. |
13:15 – 14:30 | Lunch & Networking | ||||
14:30 – 15:40 | Plenary Session Three - Innovation in Education and Scientific Literature Chair: Iulian Țanea, Enformation Abstract: With our guest help, we want to offer a general perspective on Education and Research System. To this end, our speakers will share their personal experience and they will talk about projects that aim the connection between research area and higher education. (Open Q&A section) |
Dr. Alexandru Roja, Assistant Professor, West University of Timișoara - The Age of Information and Digital Transformation Dr. Anca Șerban, Assistant Professor, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu & CDI Service - Research activities at “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu |
15:40 – 16:00 | Refreshments | ||||
16:00 – 16:30 | Plenary Session Four - Romanian Research System Chair: Iulian Țanea, Enformation Abstract: We aim to bring to light the development of the Romanian Research and Education System, as well as its place on international market. The presentation will start with a summary regarding the challenges in this sector by analyzing the resources used to provide data. (Open Q&A section) |
Adriana Filip, Consultant, Clarivate Analytics - Building the Romanian Research System | |||||
16:30 – 17:00 | Plenary Session Five - Socio-cultural Benefits of Education Chair: Iulian Țanea, Enformation Abstract: Education represents an investment both at individual and general level. We propose to the audience a discussion centered on the socio-cultural benefits of education, held by the founder of the Central and Eastern European Online Library. (Open Q&A section) |
Wolfgang Klotz, Director, Central and Eastern European Online Library - Socio-cultural Benefits of Education *This session will be presented in English. |
17:00 – 17:30 | Special Session - Enformation: Past, Present and Future Abstract: For the first time, we propose to the academic community a session about the better knowledge of Enformation activities. We want to present different aspects regarding the access to scientific literature, Enformation services, tools and future projects designed for the users of www.enformation.ro. (Open Q&A section) |
Iulian Țanea, Trainer, Enformation - Tools, Services and Projects Designed for the Romanian Academic Community | |||||
**There might be last minute changes to our current Agenda. |
“Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu
str. Lucian Blaga, nr. 2A, Sibiu
“Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu (www.ulbsibiu.ro) has an impressive history and an European prestige. Also, ULBS is well known for its interest of new institutional collaborations, both national and international level. We gladly invite you to Aula Magna (str. Lucian Blaga, nr. 2A) to attend the Romanian International Conference for Research and Education (6th June 2018).