The annual event “Acces la literatura științifică” organized by Enformation
offers you the possibility to participate to
Romanian International Conference for Research and Education – Constanța Extension.
Why? We believe in bringing the information closer to all members of the academic community.
Romanian International Conference for Research and Education means sharing experiences and knowledge, as well as debates with the audience participation. Also, the event represents the opportunity to create new collaborations and projects, which can provide alternatives and real solutions to the limitations of the Romanian Research and Education System. Last but not least, the conference offers a networking environment for the academic community’s members, whether they are from the research sector, whether they are from the education sector.
Stay tuned for more #enformation!
Organized by Enformation
“Acces la literatura științifică” is an annual event organised by Enformation aiming at bringing together people from the Research and Education sectors to create new collaboration opportunities within the academic field. Last year, for the first time, we created Sibiu-Extension to make sure that the information shared during Romanian International Conference for Research and Education is spread to all members of the academic community. Now, we continue this project along with the Constanța Extension!
The 6th Edition
2018 represented the 6th edition of the conference and it was held at Cluj, on the 23th-25th October. More than 200 participants attended our event, among them being: representatives of 21 International Publishing Houses, professors and members of the Academia, researchers, librarians, students, but also, high-school students. During these three days there took place plenary sessions and workshops, created to present research trends, new learning and teaching methods, as well innovative solutions for both areas.
Constanța Extension
Constanța Extension targets as audience: students, PhDs, teachers, librarians and researchers. Each time we aim to design new interesting sessions and dynamic workshops to encourage the academic community to share opinions and experiences. We consider that the key-actions to development are #networking & #enformation.
Why is our event relevant
International Publishers
The event has international guests, like ProQuest and Elsevier. With our well known partners` help, experts in academic publishing, we propose to our audience practical workshops. During these discussions you have the chance to find out firsthand about the latest tools designed to ease the research process, the newest functionalities available for librarians and the tips & trick of their online platforms.
One of the main themes of the Romanian International Conference for Research and Education, as the name suggests, is the research activity. If you’re passionate about the subject or research is already an important part of your professional life, the plenary sessions are designed for you! Our guests will talk about space exploration, robotics, virtual reality and the changes that already are present in the research climate.
The second focus of our event regards the education area. The plenary sessions will present topics like alternative methods in teaching and learning or the importance of resourcefulness. During the plenary sessions, you will have access to different perspectives on education, based on two dichotomies: public vs. private, national vs. international. You will feel inspired by our guests who are determined to find solutions where others see only problems.

- Connector.Connector.
The Importance of the Educational Communities.
- Connector.Connector.
Tools for Speeding-up Scientific Research.
- Connector.Connector.
Research Students: Reality or Challenge
These topics and many more will be discussed at the event “Acces la literatura științifică” – Constanța Extension 2019 and will be delivered by experienced international and national speakers. Our event encourages debates, sharing ideas and experiences, building partnerships and new projects.
09:30 – 10:30 | Registration & Welcome coffee Location: Aula B of the University Library „Ioan Popișteanu” Address: Bdl. Mamaia, no. 124 (1st floor), Constanța, Romania |
10:30 – 10:45 | Conference Opens Special Session ― (Tools for) Speeding Up Scientific Research Chair: Victor Voican, Enformation Abstract: We will reveal our guest's and auditorium opinions in an Open Discussion concerning the Romanian research visibility, evaluation and trends in higher education. (Open Q&A section) |
TBA | |||||
10:45 – 11:45 | Plenary Session One ― Performance-Based Research Resources Chair: Enformation Abstract: Performance-Based Research Funding (PBRF) is a declared priority in the European Research Area since 2000. However, not all EU member countries have implemented PBRF and those that have use different varieties. With our partner Elsevier, in this presentation, we take a look at the realities of Performance-Based Research Funding in the EU, as well as the data and technologies provided to the Romanian research community to enable such policies. Join us! (Open Q&A section) |
Peter Porosz, Research Intelligence Consultant, Elsevier ― Get Your Facts First – Performance-Based Research Funding Without Secrets *This Session will be presented in English. |
11:45 – 13:00 | Plenary Session Two ― Technological Evolution – bounded by Space Exploration and Robotics Chair: Enformation Abstract: We invite you to a dynamic session to find out how new discoveries shape our life, sometimes without being aware of it. The discussion will focus on Space Exploration and Robotics - subjects that for some are just hobbies, but for some are serious full-time jobs. (Open Q&A section) |
Dr. Claudiu Tănăselia, Physician, Founder and Author at parsec.ro Ionuț Panea, Coach, Romanian National Robotics Team AutoVortex |
13:00 – 14:30 | Lunch & Networking | ||||
14:30 – 15:30 | Plenary Session Three ― Academic Experience and Research Resources. The Librarian's Perspective Chair: Enformation Abstract: Our partner ProQuest’s 2018 researcher study found that faculty see value in students using a wide variety of content types. The new research by Library Journal and ProQuest – based on a survey of more than 600 academic librarians and faculty – sheds some light on how librarians perceive research databases and what they have learned from their users. Join us during this presentation to learn how their insights may change the direction of your academic collection. (Open Q&A section) |
Eva Czegledi, Account Manager for South East Europe, ProQuest ― What Do Students and Faculty Need in a Research Database? The Librarian's Perspective *This Session will be presented in English. |
15:30 – 16:30 | Plenary Session Four ― Romanian Research – Challenges, Trends and Tools Chair: Enformation Abstract: We invite you to an interesting discussion about the context of East European Research, as well as about the challenges and trends experienced in the Romanian Research System by our guest speakers. Also, from this session you will find out first-hand the stakes, functions, rules, standards and opportunities of the Digital Institutional Repository of the Ovidius University of Constanța. (Open Q&A section) |
Dr. Mihai Gîrțu, Research Professor, Ovidius University of Constanța Alina Buzatu, Library Director, Ovidius University of Constanța |
16:30 – 17:00 | Conclusion Session | ||||
*There might be last minute changes to our current Agenda. |
Aula B of the University Library „Ioan Popișteanu”
Bdl. Mamaia, no. 124 (1st floor), Constanța
The Library of the Ovidius University (biblioteca.univ-ovidius) is well known for its interest of new institutional collaborations, both national and international level. We gladly invite you to Aula B (Bulevardul Mamaia, nr. 124, etaj 1) to attend the Romanian International Conference for Research and Education on 30th May 2019.