Anna Mauersberger
Company / Organization
Self-employed //
Title / Position
Educational Innovator and Ontological Coach
Short description
I was born and raised in Madrid, studied Political Sciences in Germany and France, live in Berlin and work with clients on an international level. I dedicate my life to the question of how we can grow into our fullest potential, as individuals as we'll as society. I am a passionate Yogini, hobby philosopher and artistic mystic. I work at the intersection of technology and extra-curricular education. I have lead many successful and not so successful online projects in the field of education on behalf of UFA and UFALAB, Germany’s market leader in TV and digital program creation. For the more successful ones, my team and I were awarded several renowned German prices, such as Civis Online Media Prize or Grimme Online Award. I certified as Ontological Coach in Santiago de Chile and started to take learning one level deeper: Today, I conceive and design learning processes that do not only address the mind, but also involve body, heart and soul. One of the tools I work with is Virtual Reality. I am an innovator, an entrepreneur, a digital humanist and initiator of the platform “360 degrees of empathy”, that looks into the potential of technology for the evolution of humankind.